
(how the HOA functions)

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The Ridge Forest Homeowners Association, Inc. By-Laws define and describe how the HOA functions as a corporate entity in the state of Maryland. It defines the legal foundation for the operation of the Board. The By-Laws cover legal issues such as:

(what the HOA does)

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The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) is the legally binding document filed with the state of Maryland that covers the rights and obligations of the homeowners association to its members and vice-versa. The Covenants cover legal issues such as:

RFHOA Mission Statement
(goal of the HOA)

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The Ridge Forest Homeowners Association Mission Statement defines what the HOA is, why it exists, and its reason for being. This statement defines the overarching duties and responsibilities of the board and its members.

RFHOA Code of Ethics
(ethical standards of the hoa)

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The Ridge Forest Homeowners Association Code of Ethics & Conflict of Interest Policy sets out the HOA’s ethical guidelines and best practices to follow for honesty, integrity, and professionalism.

The Conflict of Interest Policy defines how the Board must protect the Association’s interests when it is entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interests of a director of the Association or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction.

AERC Request Form (Application for Property Modification Approval)

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The AERC Application for Property Modification Approval Request Form  briefly describes the review procedures that each homeowner and the Architecture and Environmental Review  Committee (AERC) shall follow regarding any  changes and/or  improvements within  residential properties in the community of Ridge Forest.